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This Plan especially launch for Professional Tax Registration and helping you to fulfill all compliances related to the time of Registration of Professional Tax all incorporation formalities and paper work for Professional Tax Registration will be completed by our Tax experts at best price on same day.
> Buy plan for Professional Tax Registration
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> Expert will Collect & Upload Documents
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> Pan card of Person, Director or Proprietor
> Aadhar card of Person
> Address proof of Person, Director or Proprietor
> COI and proof of address in case of Comapny
Professional Tax is a direct tax levied on person who is obtaining their income by the way of either practicing a profession ,job, vocation or trade. Unlikely tax is collected by the Central Government ,but the Professional tax is collected by the government of a state or union territory in India.
Is this mandatory to pay Professional tax?
If you earniing in India then you are liable to pay professional tax as applicable on you. If you are employed, your employer is responsible to make professional tax payment to the state Government. If you employed by yourself then it is your responsibliity to pay tax amount.
Who is exempted from professional tax ?
How to calculate professional tax?
As professional tax is not applicable in every state in India, So the first step to check wehter professional tax in applicable in your state or not. If your state is applicable for professinal tax then check professional tax slabs of your state and determine your tax amount.