Proof of identification:
PAN card, Driver's license or copy of passport or voter identification or Aadhaar card or bank book with photo.
Proof of address:
Latest landline or mobile phone bill, recent electricity bill, copy of passport, voter ID or rent agreement or driving license.
If the director is outside from India or foreign director in India
All supporting documents including photograph must be certified by the Indian Embassy or a notary in the applicant's home country or by the Managing Director / CEO / Company Secretary of the company registered in India, in which the applicant is a director. If a foreign director has a valid multiple entry Indian visa or Indian origin person card or Indian citizen card abroad, then the certification can also be done by a notary public / official officer in India or an exercise expert / CS / CWA.
What is DIN ?
The Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique 8-digit identification number that is assigned to all new and existing directors. It is a mandatory requirement and without DIN no person can become a director.
Obtaining DIN has been made mandatory as the above people would incorporate companies like chit fund and raise money from people and cheat people. Now, the Ministry maintains a DIN database to map all the people who hold the position of director in any company.
The DIN directory contains all the information regarding the directors, such as their name, PAN number and also their current address. Any change in address or other information should be updated immediately.